After 10 months...

Is it the fox that guards the hen house? Do they still look out for their own?

Dear Mr. Heeger,

Our office does not have an exact time frame for 
our investigations.  Once a decision is made 
by our office you will receive it in writing.

Thank You,

Nancy Valle
Attorney Registration and
Disciplinary Commission
130 E. Randolph Dr., Ste. 1500
Chicago, IL 60601-6219
Phone: (312) 565-2600
Email: nvalle@iardc.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Lee Heeger <verifieduser@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2024 2:33 AM
To: Valle, Nancy <NValle@iardc.org>
Subject: Re: 2024IN01160

what's taking so long?

On 12/11/24 14:28, Valle, Nancy wrote:
Dear Mr. Heeger,

Your investigation remains pending with our office.

Thank You,

Nancy Valle


Attorney Registration and

Disciplinary Commission

130 E. Randolph Dr., Ste. 1500

Chicago, IL 60601-6219

Phone: (312) 565-2600

Email: nvalle@iardc.org <mailto:nvalle@iardc.org>
